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There were numerous reports of government corruption during the year. The law also requires that public-sector workers involved in the refining, transportation, and distribution of petroleum products submit their grievances to the Secretariat of Labor and Social Security (STSS) before striking. Is El Salvador Safe to Visit in 2023? Safety in El Salvador By law all minors between the ages of 14 and 18 in most industries must receive special permission from the STSS to work, and the STSS must perform a home study to verify that there is an economic need for the child to work and that the child not work outside the country or in hazardous conditions, including in offshore fishing. The government did not effectively enforce the law. The PBI reported an incident on April 23 near Tela, Atlantida Department, involving the alleged use of live rounds by police in response to a protest, injuring two individuals. Both suspects were alleged members of a criminal organization involved in drug trafficking. "They came up on me with a loaded 9mm gun with an extended clip, at least 40 bullets or so," a Houston homeowner, who wished to remain anonymous, told FOX 26 . The law prohibits discrimination against persons with physical, sensory, intellectual, and mental disabilities. The government did not effectively enforce occupational safety and health (OSH) standards, particularly in the construction, garment assembly, and agricultural sectors, as well as in the informal economy. The law provides for the right to a fair and public trial; however, the judiciary did not always enforce this right. Official data on forced internal displacement was limited in part because gangs controlled many of the neighborhoods that were sources of internal displacement (see section 6, Displaced Children). The Secretariat of Human Rights reported that as of September 2, the total prison population was 21,675 in 25 prisons and three detention centers. DIDADPOL investigated abuses by police forces. Nearly 3.3 million people, or one in three Hondurans, were experiencing crisis or worse levels of food insecurity by late 2021. Authorities did not generally segregate those with tuberculosis or other infectious diseases from the general prison population; as of September the INP reported 153 prisoners were being treated for tuberculosis. By the end of 2019, over 800,000 people from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras had sought protection either within their countries or had crossed international borders seeking asylum to escape. Honduras With a crime index of 74.54, Honduras ranks fifth in the world in terms of crime rate. The tribunal published its reports on its website and cited the names of public officials who did not comply with the disclosure law. Impunity for such crimes was a problem, as was the impunity rate for all types of crime. Through September the secretariat trained 2,764 law enforcement officials in human rights and international humanitarian law. Arbitrary Arrest: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government instituted a national curfew, suspending constitutional provisions and limiting the free movement of individuals. COFADEH reported police beat and smeared a tear gas-covered cloth on the face of an individual detained for violating the national curfew in April in El Paraiso. Police later arrested the guard accused of killing Alvarez. Abuse of Migrants, Refugees, and Stateless Persons: Transiting migrants and asylum seekers with pending cases were vulnerable to abuse by criminal organizations. The law places restrictions on these rights, such as requiring that a recognized trade union represent at least 30 workers, prohibiting foreign nationals from holding union offices, and requiring that union officials work in the same substantive area of the business as the workers they represent. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam . Coercion in Population Control: There were no reports of coerced abortion or involuntary sterilization on the part of government authorities. There were credible complaints that police occasionally failed to obtain the required authorization before entering private homes. Josue Alvarado was assigned to Task Force Maya Chorti. As of September inspectors conducted 4,102 total inspections, including 268 unannounced inspections, compared with 14,039 total inspections for the same time period in 2019. PDF Country Information Note Honduras: Background Note - GOV.UK Recent Elections: In December 2017 Juan Orlando Hernandez of the National Party was declared the winner in the November elections. The government considers rape a crime of public concern, and the state prosecutes rapists even if victims do not press charges. Statistics from the National Emergency Systems call center showed the country was on pace for more than 100,000 reports of domestic violence during the year. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. The law requires police to inform persons of the grounds for their arrest and bring detainees before a competent judicial authority within 24 hours. Dangers of Travel to Honduras | USA Today Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot will lose reelection bid, CNN projects, as 03 / Select Countries You can add more than one country or area. The appeals court ruled the cases of former agriculture minister Jacobo Regalado and three members of his staff should proceed to trial. Everything you need to know about human rights in Honduras - Amnesty Administrative penalties were insufficient to deter violations and were rarely enforced. The law provides a maximum sentence of three years in prison for disobeying a restraining order connected with the crime of intrafamilial violence. Unrelated to the curfew, there were areas where authorities could not assure freedom of movement because of criminal activity and a lack of significant government presence. Employers rarely paid the minimum wage in the agricultural sector and paid it inconsistently in other sectors. During 2021, a total of 342 femicides were recorded in Honduras. Feb 28, 2023. The reports alleged illicit gains of more than 1.64 billion lempiras ($68 million) by government officials in the purchase of medical supplies. There were no credible reports of political prisoners or detainees. Internal displacement was generally caused by violence, national and transnational gang activity, and human trafficking. An independent press and a functioning democratic political system combined to promote freedom of expression, including for the press. LONDON (AP) Britain's domestic intelligence agency didn't act swiftly enough on key information and missed a significant opportunity to prevent the suicide bombing that killed 22 people at a Improvements: Through August, CONAPREV trained 494 technical, administrative, and security personnel on topics including prison management and human rights. Displaced Children: Civil society organizations reported that common causes of forced displacement for youth included death threats for failure to pay extortion, attempted recruitment by gangs, witnessing criminal activity by gangs or organized-crime groups, domestic violence, attempted kidnappings, family members involvement in drug dealing, victimization by traffickers, rape including commercial sexual exploitation by gangs, discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, sexual harassment, and discrimination for having a chronic medical condition. Workers comp board approves 8% rate reduction | Local Business carnival miracle refurbishment 2020; shkola season 1 episode 2 english subtitles; appleseed townhomes huber heights; once popular resort area in the catskills nyt crossword 0. . Several anonymous social media sites, possibly linked to political parties, criticized journalists (as well as activists and civil society organizations) who were critical of the government or opposition party policies. This report provides a snapshot of events during 2021 relevant to countries designated as State Sponsors of Terrorism. The law allows only local unions to call strikes, prohibits labor federations and confederations from calling strikes, and requires that a two-thirds majority of both union and nonunion employees at an enterprise approve a strike. Honduras: Freedom in the World 2021 Country Report | Freedom House The law permits fines, and while the monetary penalty is commensurate with those for other laws involving denials of civil rights, such as discrimination, the failure of the government to collect those fines facilitated continued labor law violations. Children often worked alongside family members in agriculture and other work, such as fishing, construction, transportation, and small businesses. Violence was often rooted in a broader context of conflict over land and natural resources, extensive corruption, lack of transparency and community consultation, other criminal activity, and limited state ability to protect the rights of vulnerable communities. According to the arrest report, he "was threatening and abusive, challenging others to fight, and making loud, unusual noises." Additionally, he was charged with "impeding passengers' ability to safely board (an) American Airlines flight." He was taken to the county jail. Honduras crime rate & statistics for 2017 was 40.98, a 26.23% decline from 2016. Media reports noted that family members often faced long delays or were unable to visit detainees. The government relies heavily on the . The PA has administrative control over Area B (about 22 percent of the West Bank), but security control is . The law regulates child labor, sets the minimum age for employment at age 14, and regulates the hours and types of work that minors younger than 18 may perform. For crimes with minimum sentences of six years imprisonment, the law authorizes pretrial detention of up to two years. The law permits defendants to confront witnesses against them and offer witnesses and evidence in their defense. Crime in Roatan. Safety in Roatan - Numbeo This is the second consecutive year that the murder rate falls below 40 per . In the agricultural sector, companies frequently paid less than minimum wage to most workers, with fewer than 1 percent of agricultural workers receiving the minimum wage. Some Hondurans reported being beaten as they attempted to cross the country. Honduras crime rate & statistics for 2020 was 36.33, a 13.52% decline from 2019. Institutions such as the judiciary, Public Ministry, National Police, and Secretariat of Health attempted to enhance their responses to domestic violence, but obstacles included insufficient political will, inadequate budgets, limited or no services in rural areas, absence of or inadequate training and awareness of domestic violence among police and other authorities, and a pattern of male-dominant culture and norms. The legal process against Roberto David Castillo Mejia, one of the alleged intellectual authors of the killing, continued slowly due to motions and appeals by the defense, and Castillo remained incarcerated. As of November the STSS had an insufficient number of inspectors to enforce the law effectively. While there were cases where a worker was reinstated, such as the reinstatement of a union leader in Tegucigalpa following his unlawful dismissal, the reinstatement process in the courts was unduly long, lasting from six months to more than five years. The law requiring prisoners to work at least five hours a day, six days a week took effect in 2016. Will Honduras Win The Fight Against Corruption? - Forbes You can add more than one country or area. Censorship or Content Restrictions: Media members and NGOs stated the press self-censored due to fear of retaliation from organized-crime groups or corrupt government officials. Castillo was returning from the market at 3:30 p.m. when a police officer arrested her for violating the curfew, even though the curfew did not start until 7:00 p.m. Castillo said the arrest was a reprisal for an encounter a few days previously, when Castillo confronted the officer who was attempting to expel a vendor from a park. Overview: The IDF, under the Israeli Ministry of Defense, is responsible for the West Bank, but PA security forces were granted security control of 17.5 percent (called Area A) under the 1993 Oslo Accords. Pretrial Detention: Judicial inefficiency, corruption, and insufficient resources delayed proceedings in the criminal justice system, and lengthy pretrial detention was a serious problem. (72 percent of these resulted in a conviction). Starting November 9, the government temporarily suspended the curfew to facilitate Tropical Depression Eta response efforts. The prosecution may request an additional six-month extension, but many detainees remained in pretrial detention much longer, including for more time than the maximum period of incarceration for their alleged crime. Organized-crime organizations, such as drug traffickers and local and transnational gangs including MS-13 and the 18th Street gang, committed killings, extortion, kidnappings, human trafficking, and intimidation of police, prosecutors, journalists, women, and human rights defenders.

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