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They thrive in high pressure environments. The Gonzalez program is divided in various aspectsdetoxification, diet, supplements and proteolytic enzyme therapyeach having an importance to the overall success of the patients therapeutic program. Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez developed The Gonzalez Treatment - an intensive nutritional . 3900 Paramount Parkway, Morrisville, NC, 27560 In a nutshell, Dr. Gonzalez promoted the concept that cancer is really a metabolic disease. Even health nuts. such a diet will reduce sympathetic activity and stimulate the parasympathetic system. Skin brush once or twice daily and up to four times daily in times of intense toxicity. All doses are taken in capsule form, away from meals and evenly distributed throughout the day. Metabolic typing was originally created by, The intricacies of metabolic typing can be confusing, especially since there have been several other natural health practitioners over the years who have used it as the basis for their own programs besides Dr. Gonzalez. KH: What would you like to see in the future with regard to evaluating this protocol as far as studies go? Not consenting or withdrawing consent, may adversely affect certain features and functions. Dr. Gonzalez was one of my instructors in the Fellowship program through the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. During the 1920s and 1930s coffee enemas were prescribed for a variety of conditions since they help to stimulate gallbladder emptying and enhance liver function. NJG: The only side effects I have noticed in 12 years of treating cancer patients with high dose porcine-based pancreatic enzyme therapy are intestinal gas, occasional bloating, and occasional indigestion. The Gonzalez Metabolic Type Diet also includes instructions on how to properly prepare food plus a handy one-page shopping list. While we do not adhere to Dr. Gonzlez' 'mega-vitamin' approach, we do believe enzyme therapy has proven itself clinically. Her latest project is a recently published new book, The authorized biography was created with the help of award-winning author and nutritional advocate Mary Swander. It is recommended that you do your own research and consult your physician before making any decisions on what to do for your health and wellbeing. Scattered throughout are a number of useful bits of information. I am Gonzalez the quack, the fraud, the doctor who lies to cancer patients, steals their money and kills them. The late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez addresses this conundrum in his posthumously published book, "Nutrition and the Autonomic Nervous System." The book explains the Kelly Metabolic Types which range from Sympathetic Dominant to Parasympathetic Dominant, each calling for a specific diet and supplement regimen. Swander is the former Poet Laureate of Iowa and artistic director of, In a nutshell, Dr. Gonzalez promoted the concept that cancer is really a. I can say with 100% certainty that whenever you have cancer growth, you are going to have some kind of damage at the level of the mitochondria! : Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez and His Fight for a New Treatment for Cancer (New Spring Press). Use a long-handled natural vegetable bristle brush or loofah sponge available in the health food store. Whether you are on a healing journey with Breast Cancer, want to prevent cancer, or are healing from another disease, learning about your metabolic type can be life-changing. I did my premedical work as a postgraduate student at Columbia University, and received my medical degree from Cornell University Medical College in New York. Each is tested for freedom of contamination and for potency tests of 30 to 80 USP units or proteolytic activity per milligram with 15 to 40 units of lipolytic activity per milligram. And, again, when the autonomic . I prepared for presentation 25 cases with poor prognosis or terminal illness who had either enjoyed long-term survival or tumor regression while following my program. These are the handful of biochemical reactions which the body relies on primarily, amongst a list of thousands; #4 FHCs play out to influence an individuals health in one of two ways: through the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and through the Oxidative System (OS); #5 Dr. Kelley originally broke metabolic types down into two categories: carnivores and vegetarians. Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D., is a practicing physician in New York City who specializes in treating cancer with a treatment originated by Dr. Kelley, D.D.S. The study has been completed and was published inNutrition and Cancer, June, 1999;33(2). This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. His legacy as well as his work lives on! Over the course of his career, Dr. Gonzalez worked with patients who had many kinds of cancer, including Breast Cancer. Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, has developed an alternative cancer treatment program that is gaining serious mainstream recognition. After Beards death, the enzyme therapy was largely forgotten and certainly never generated any significant research effort until recently with the funding of my work. This comes not only from the alternative community, but from mainstream medicine as well. The reason goes back to biochemical individuality. KH: Can you describe your study and the basic results? There is research going back to the earlier part of the century that indicated that coffee enemas stimulate more efficient liver function and gallbladder emptying, and we believe that is the primary therapeutic benefit. It is a really good beginners course in the Gonzalez Protocol as well as the story of this brilliant man who gave his life for science.. During times of intense toxicity, the vinegar bath can be done daily. Im very interested in the protocol and application with respect to recovery. Salt and soda baths helps vegetarian and balanced type patients mobilize toxins out of the skins during times of intense toxicity. He was a total visionary who was often called the guru of integrative medicine. I recently had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Gonzalezs widow, Mary Beth (Pryor) Gonzalez. Either cancer patients get better with my treatment or they do not. There are several studies from the 1960s showing, in an animal model, that orally ingested pancreatic enzymes have an anti-cancer effect, and might work through immune modulation, but these studies were preliminary and were never followed-up. Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. All rights reserved. Is stress keeping you up at night? In the world of natural health and cancer, nobody compares to the late Nicholas Gonzalez. If you are looking for a Gonzalez-trained doctor, reach out HERE to get more information. John Etcheverry, D.C. He found that people who dealt with those issues did better and that it was wise to deal with them sooner rather than later. We have not had the resources to support basic science research, but with appropriate funding we do not believe it would difficult to set up animal models to explore the molecular action of the enzymes against cancer cells. Armed with this information, a natural health professional trained in the protocol can help you create a diet that suits your unique biochemistry and health situation. It indicates that, just like many other chronic diseases such as diabetes and autoimmune conditions, cancer can be managed and, in many cases, reversed. Tim Boyd was born and raised in Ohio, graduated from Case Western Reserve University with a degree in computer engineering, and worked in the defense industry in Northern Virginia for over 20 years. Each person, based on their metabolic type, will react to the same foods slightly differently. During both of my healing journeys, I ingested many pancreatic enzymes every hour on the hour and as my health improved, I cut back to 5 times per day. Each patient takes up to 45 grams of freeze-dried pancreatic porcine enzymes every day. Dr. Gonzalez learned how to metabolically type patients from his mentor, Dr. William Donald Kelley. The nutrient-dense Wise Traditions diet can provide important protection against illness and can support recovery and healing. By Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D. Help stop a bad vaccine bill in the California Legislature! (NaturalHealth365) In my previous article, I addressed the "ketogenic enthusiasts," as I call them, who appear to be promoting the ketogenic diet as a cancer treatment despite the lack of convincing human data. Eskimos lack enzymes needed to digest complex carbohydratesan aspect of their unique make-up. After a pleasant and satisfying run in the electronics field, he decided he wanted to do something more important. Cancer acts much like a placenta, which crosses tissue boundaries, establishes its own blood supply and grows. Beard's work, and used pancreatic proteolytic enzymes as a treatment for cancer. Wynder said the biggest obstacle to getting his work recognized was the ACS. This is done primarily through diet and supplements. Brush in the direction of the abdomenup the legs, up the arms and down the neck and trunk. Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez's passing is an unthinkable loss for so many who were inspired, transformed, and saved by his work. The Board of Directors A high-meat diet stimulates the sympathetic system and tones down parasympathetic activity. And, again, when the autonomic branches come into balance, the patients, whatever the underlying disease, do better. In one case, not only were cancer symptoms resolved, but a longstanding cat allergy disappeared. In warm bath, add one cup of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and one cup of regular table (or sea) salt. This understanding provided the basis for Dr. Gonzalezs treatment using pancreatic enzymes. For those on the Gonzalez Protocol, a key supplement often includes high doses of pancreatic enzymes. Some simply did not follow the protocol correctly. Treatments based on this idea started with Dr. John Beard in the early twentieth century. Although not commonly recognized today, orthodox medical literature featured these methods in medical literature and nursing manuals for most of the twentieth century. This must include looking at an individuals entire health and hereditary profile, and often includes diverting from typical status quo standards on defining the ideal healthy diet. Use a long-handled natural vegetable bristle brush or loofah sponge available in the health food store. Amazingly, he found that placenta cells look and behave like cancer cells. Keep the brush or sponge dry. Parasympathetic cancers include leukemia, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, melanoma, sarcoma and Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia. The intricacies of metabolic typing can be confusing, especially since there have been several other natural health practitioners over the years who have used it as the basis for their own programs besides Dr. Gonzalez. After years of dedicated effort Dr. Gonzalezs work with cancer patients is now being assessed in a large National Cancer Institute/National Institutes of Health (NCI/NIH) funded clinical trial conducted through New Yorks Columbia University. diet, Dr. Gonzalez aims to bring about balance to the autonomic system. Any statements therein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Dr. Gonzalez had nothing good to say about the American Cancer Society (ACS), with its well-documented ties to the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Whatever the individuals underlying problem, people who employ the coffee enemas into their detoxification program will most commonly experience flu-like symptoms such as low grade fevers, muscle aches, pains and rashes, as a response to waste material being released from body tissues. Dont miss out! It is common to see our patients with previously diagnosed cancer to be on no more than a few supplements! While I am not going to go into detail about pancreatic enzymes and Breast Cancer, I encourage you to head to this blog to understand why pancreatic enzymes are so important in creating vibrant health. Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, has developed a treatment for cancer that is a duplication of one devised by William Donald Kelley, a dentist from Grapevine, Texas [1,2]. NJG: The attitude is changing; for example, I have sent you a very supportive article about my work that appeared in the magazineInTouch,a news style magazine that is sent to more than 90,000 orthodox physicians, including all oncologists in this country. Price Foundation. Every other week youll look forward to seeing what Dr Conners has to say he only offers practical health tips paired with timely, relevant sources and inspirational wisdom. Within the Gonzalez cancer program coffee enemas are used to help the body process the enormous amounts of toxic debris that can be produced as tumors break down. For more information on Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, MD, and his work with digestive enzymes for treatment of cancer, visit: Your email address will not be published. I have collected a number of reports from that time in the major medical journals documenting tumor regression and long-term survival in patients treated with enzyme therapy. Internet Explorer is no longer supported by many websites. During their marriage, she was her husbands coach (as she explains it) for this aspect of his career, helping him with his. The bath should be repeated until symptoms diminish. If you ever heard Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez speak, you couldnt help but notice that his mind worked several levels above the average IQ. Please log in again. Throughout his career, Dr. Gonzalez took metabolic typing to the next level with his own patients. Cancer patients are rarely told that adding natural, alternative therapies to their care can greatly mitigate their adverse reactions, improve the quality of their life, and give them their life back! Dr Kevin Conners.

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