contractors must report which of these select all that applynorth island credit union amphitheatre view from seat

What system may be used to verify a companys Facility Clearance status? Which of the following are reasons why AT plan exercises are important? Former U.S. They provide a way to assess and identify vulnerabilities and resources. A successor contractor can satisfy its obligation to provide the same health insurance benefits of the predecessor contractor by matching the benefit. Select all that apply. In order to determine our critical information, we need to consider both the friendly and adversary points of view. = 15 * 3/20 How is the FSO notified that a cleared employee may be due for a periodic reinvestigation? To promote an environment in which federal contracts for goods or services will be performed by contractors whose work will not be interrupted by labor unrest, President Barack Obama signed into law a mandate that federal contractors inform employees of their rights under the NLRA. Since 1850, the court has issued many influential decisions in a variety of areas . = 45/20 Because each adversary may have different intentions and capabilities, you may need to enact different scenarios for different adversaries. This will allow the contractor to understand the extent to which the PLA will affect the costs of the work and bid accordingly. Which of the following is an objective of the DSS CI Directorate? Hostile entities may use social media to _______________ ? Use e-Services for Business to submit a Report of Independent Contractor(s) (DE 542).. Mail or Fax. How to verify need-to-know in the DoD System of Record before a classified discussion, Physical security procedures and access areas, Policy and procedures for transmitting and/or transporting classified material. In addition, when a CBA expires, the parties must maintain the terms and conditions at the status quo while negotiations take place. contractors must report which of these select all that apply 20/3 Service Contract Act (SCA) Section 4c requires service contractors to comply with prevailing wage determinations and minimum fringe benefit payments. Select all that apply. Employers need not pay for unused accrued leave upon an employees separation from employment. Incorporating counterintelligence and threat awareness into a security program can potentially prevent theft, espionage, and loss of life. Union Security: Unions often request inclusion of a provision requiring union membership (or the payment of dues and fees by nonmembers) as a condition of employment. Contractors must report which of these to the Insider Threat program? C.EO 13496 (Notification of Employee Rights under Federal Labor Law). contractors must report which of these select all that apply It's often the little things we do every day that can develop into vulnerabilities and cause damage to our operation. Many CBAs provide that the agreement applies to any subcontractor used by the contractor to perform work done by covered employees, and the contractor is responsible for the subcontractors failure to comply with the terms of the CBA. The true about technology and insider threat is: Technology changes the scale of risk from insider threats. Prime contractors must meet certain reporting requirements before they are able to submit a bid that valued at $50 million or more as of the year 2016. 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. User: She worked really hard on the project. provides for early detection of OPSEC problems. Select ALL the correct responses. A project labor agreement (PLA) is a prehire CBA designed to systemize labor relations at a construction site. in writing; through the DoD System of Record, through the DoD System of Record; through e-FCL. Select all that apply. Security control measures must provide for security briefings and signed certificates. Which of the following statements are true? makes OPSEC principles second nature to your employees. In contrast to other FAR provisions, Clause 52.222-50 must appear in all solicitations and contracts. Employees desiring not to perform on classified work, Change conditions affecting the facility clearance. Although the EO and the corresponding regulations apply only to large-scale construction projects, the wording of both the EO and the implementing rules reiterate federal contracting agencies are not prohibited from requiring PLAs on projects that do not fall within the $25-million threshold. = 2 1/4. Generally, you must withhold and deposit income taxes, social security taxes and Medicare taxes from the wages paid to an employee. -Any event that may impact an individual's personnel security clearance -Any event that may impact the status of the facility -Anything that affects the proper safeguarding of classified information -Any indication that classified information has been lost or compromised Address Search by Address through Property, Tax, and Utility Billing Additionally, such employers must follow non-discrimination and related provisions, as well as comply with a host of recordkeeping, data collection, and technical obligations. Which of the following roles are filled by contractor employees? It also should state that the employer is not required to terminate the employee until a replacement has been hired, cleared, and trained. Updated 284 days ago|5/24/2022 11:00:50 AM, Contractors must report the following to the insider threat program: Efforts to obtain unauthorized access to classified or proprietary information. After returning from a recent professional conference, Franklin received a request for classified information from an uncleared person that he met at the conference. Which form should the company receive with the contract that provides specific guidance about what information is classified and at what classification level? Some MPPs have a Free Look rule, which allows new employers to join the plan for up to five years without incurring any withdrawal liability, provided: (1) the new employers contributions are less than 2% of the total employer contributions for each year in the MPP; (2) the MPP had an 8-to-1 ratio of assets to benefit payments in the year before the employer was required to make contributions; (3) the MPP provides that any credit for service before the employer joined the plan will be lost on the employers early withdrawal; (4) the new employer did not previously have a free look; and (5) the MPP is not amended to remove the Free Look provision. 6 2/3 Reporting information as required under this policy does not fulfill or diminish the What is the appropriate action? Risk of civil and criminal exposure also exist under the False Claims Act if a contractor knowingly allows employees to make false charges in connection with a federal contract. Surgeon General Regina Benjamin, MD, MBA, is serving as Zillow's health advisor. Facility employees may be processed for personnel security clearances concurrently with the processing of, or after the award of, a facilitys FCL. What security control measures must the host organization implement for a classified meeting? Select all that apply. CLC 222 Contracting Officers Representative (COR) - Reddit - Dive into Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. Select all that apply. contractors must report which of these to the insider threat program Select all that apply. They are indicators that tell adversaries where to focus their collection efforts, They are vulnerabilities that tell adversaries where to focus their collection efforts, They are indicators that are not part of a unit's normal conduct, They are vulnerabilities that are not part of a unit's normal conduct. Confidentiality of the records or information is not a valid reason to withhold the requested information, but the contractor can require a non-disclosure agreement. Select ALL of the correct responses. This is discussed in more detail below. The request must state the specific Contractor Health and Safety Requirement to be waived. These policies protect the business in case of theft, damage, or if one of their employees gets injured. An individuals access level is directly related to the employer organizations Facility Clearance level and the level of access needed for the individual to do his or her job. Select all that apply. Similarly, instead of making contributions to a union-sponsored pension plan, the contractor can make the contributions to its companys 401k or a similar retirement plan. Once there is a duty to bargain, the contractor must respond to the unions information requests within a reasonable time. Every contractor or subcontractor who performs work covered by the DBA/DBRA must post an Employee Rights under the Davis-Bacon Act poster at the worksite. The Government Funding Transparency Act of 2008 (GFTA) requires the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to establish a free, public website containing full disclosure of all federal contract award information. Contractors must report which of these? If after a contractor has a duty to bargain and before a CBA is negotiated, the contractor must discuss suspending or terminating an employee with the union before so doing, unless exigent circumstances exist. When a CBA does not exist and the contractor is negotiating an agreement with the union, if the contractor becomes involved in the subcontractors union negotiations, the contractor can become a joint employer of the subcontractor and responsible for violations committed by the subcontractor. Contractors must maintain three years of EEO-1 reports as part of their AAPs. Weegy: Contractors must report the following to the insider threat program: Efforts to obtain unauthorized access to classified or proprietary information. Any individual or group that represents a foreign government is considered a security threat. -Terrorist organizations During a periodic reinvestigation of a cleared individual, During the applicants initial PCL investigation, Only when the applicant is seeking Top Secret clearance eligibility. NISPOM paragraph 1-300 states that contractors must report certain events to the government. identify the losing and gaining contract numbers and select the items from those previously receipted. Under VEVRAA, covered employers must engage in documented outreach efforts to attract qualified protected veterans in a good faith effort to annually attain a veteran hiring benchmark of 5.9%. What document signed by President Reagan directed the establishment of OPSEC programs, and in what year did this document become law? -Former employees 3. The EEO-1 Deadline is March 30 each year, and the VETS-4212 deadline is September 30 each year. In addition, if required by the government contract, consider requiring reinstatement be subject to approval by the government client. The applicant is never required to submit a fingerprint card, but it is a best practice. Select all that apply. The programs tend to focus on access to education and . To protect the integrity of their mission. The National Industrial Security Program (NISP) is: a voluntary program for cleared contractor facilities, designed to safeguard classified information entrusted to industry. What is the probability that at most five of the freshmen reply "yes"? The E-Verify system must be used for checking the eligibility of individuals only after the employee has been offered and has accepted the job. The request for clearance must come from the contracting agency; the contractor cannot apply for security clearance on its own. Security officials should seek out and consider threat information only from official, government sources. Weegy: A basic position in American foreign policy has been that America must defend its foreign interests related to Weegy: 15 ? For more information, visit EO 13706 applies to the following types of federal contracts: The EO requires contractors to provide covered employees one hour of paid sick leave for every 30 hours worked on or in connection with a covered federal contract or subcontract. contractors must report which of these select all that apply. Many successor contractors negotiate a Bridge Agreement or a new CBA with the union that represented employees of the previous contractor. Select all that apply. You can help reduce technology-associated insider threats by: Eliminating accessing data through portable devices (Incorrect). c. reporting required information. What should you do? The primary source of data for these AAP analyses is race and gender data collected through pre- and post-offer applicant and employee invitations to self-identify. This is known as the duty to bargain. Foreign attendees business cards do not match stated affiliations, Excessive or suspicious photography and filming of technology and products, Conversations involving classified, sensitive, or export-controlled technologies or products. An advantage of incorporating OPSEC principles in the planning stage of any operation is that it. There are three sub-sections. Generally, the employers withdrawal liability obligation is satisfied by making annual payments determined by a formula intended to approximate the employers annual contributions to the MPP. Contractors also must: (1) affirmatively notify employees and agents of the above prohibitions and the corrective action it will take for any violations; (2) include the substance of the Clause in certain subcontracts and contracts with agents; (3) take appropriate action in response to any violations; (4) notify the agency contracting officer of (i) any credible information it receives regarding any violation by the employees or agents of the contractor or subcontractor; and (ii) any actions taken against any such violator; and (5) cooperate fully with the government in investigating alleged violations. Efforts to compromise a cleared employee. If a successor contractor timely disavows the previous contractors CBA, it may establish its own terms and conditions of employment, subject to honoring the wages and covered fringe benefits of the CBA required by Section 4c of the SCA as discussed above. Loss, compromise, and suspected compromise of classified information are reported how? Subjects may include the issues presented by the employer or the union that have been processed through the grievance procedure, the terms of the CBA, and the type of remedy available to an aggrieved employee. Depending on a number of factors, including the extent of common ownership and control, AAP obligations also may extend to other related companies. _____ is a conversation t Less. -Accessing systems at unusual hours without authorization. The following are some of the Executive Orders currently in effect that have significant implications for federal contractors. An adversary's capability is defined as his ability to do which of the following? possess the ability to exploit our critical information. When dealing with countermeasure development, what is the bottom line? Owner vs Contractor - How Do You Tell Who Is Responsible on a To assist government contractors, this guide discusses some of the labor and employment laws and regulations that should be considered when pricing and performing a government contract. contractors must report which of these to the insider threat program select all that apply Contractors must report the following to the insider threat program: Efforts to obtain unauthorized access to classified or proprietary information. When she returned, she found a member of the cleaning crew straightening the classified documents on her desk. Select all that apply All 4 answers A coworker shares that she and her husband are facing foreclosure, and she doesn't know what to do. contractors must report which of these select all that apply. -Inappropriate copying of classified material . Which of the following is used in the PCL process to determine a candidates eligibility? Select all that apply. (916) 416-9278 | what is the most attractive height for a man Additionally, beginning January 1, 2020, tipped employees performing work on or in connection with covered contracts generally must be paid a minimum cash wage of $7.55 an hour. Cleared employees who refuse to execute Standard Form 312 are reported how? Changes in a facility's storage capability are reported how? Depending on the contractors specific organizational needs, other provisions should be considered. The chief statutory sources of liability to an MPP pension fund beyond the contributions required under the CBA are: (1) the withdrawal liability rules in Title IV of ERISA; (2) the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA); and (3) the minimum funding rules. When the successor contractor initially solicits the predecessor contractors employees for employment, it must state that the contractor will not be honoring the prior contractors CBA if the contractor does not wish to be bound by it. Bargaining impasse often is difficult to establish; the employer must demonstrate both that the parties are deadlocked and that further discussions likely will not lead to an agreement. As evidence of their compliance with the requirement to pay workers the prevailing wage, covered contractors must maintain records during the work and for three years after job completion reflecting the following: Employers must pay workers covered by the DBA/DBRA weekly. (1)Notwithstanding the debarment, suspension, or proposed debarment of a contractor, agencies may continue contracts or subcontracts in existence at the time the contractor was debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment unless consular corps association of philadelphia tequileras scarborough maine menu pfizer board of directors political affiliation how many grandchildren did fred astaire . -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. Contractors with federal contract awards of at least $5 million (entered into on or after December 12, 2008) are subject to Federal Acquisition Regulation ethics rules. In the case of public works projects, contractors must pay their workers on a weekly basis. -Hoarding files and data Which of the following are reportable behavioral indicators?

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