can i give my cat expired amoxicillinis it ok to give nexgard early

Get practical pet health tips, articles, and insights from our veterinary community delivered weekly to your inbox. An extended treatment with antibiotics can lead to yeast infections, especially if the cats immune system is That yogurt in the back of the fridge probably has at least a week or two past the stamped date, right? Expiration dates on veterinary drugs are important because, as time marches on, drugs lose efficacy and potency due to chemical changes that take place. Amoxicillin is used to treat many feline health issues, but the most common problems in which veterinarians often prescribe the medicine off-label are listed below. Tetracycline for cats is a multipurpose antibiotic typically available as a capsule or tablet. View all posts by Dr. Chris Vanderhoof, DVM, MPH, Marbofloxacin For Cats: Overview, Dosage & Side Effects, L-lysine For Cats: Overview, Dosage & Side Effects, Lactulose For Cats: Overview, Dosage & Side Effects, Solensia For Cats: Overview, Dosage & Side Effects, New Research Proves Owning A Cat Is Good For Your Heart, 10 Proven Ways To Show Your Cat You Love Her, Is Your Cat Lonely? Essential Considerations, Why Do Cats Rub Their Faces On Corners? The same basic effects of the drug work on cats and can be used to treat a wide variety of ailments, which we detail below. WebAntibiotics for cats. It inhibits the growth of bacteria by preventing the cell wall formation of the bacterial cells. As far as the anti-inflammatories for 3 days goes, there may be no right or wrong answer there. } Furthermore, Amoxicillin is only effective for specific bacteria. Most oral pills or capsules expire in 1 to 2 years from date of manufacturing. This being the law and all that. flex-basis: 50%; Again, this will depend on the above factors, but it needs to be taken with food to avoid digestive problems. If there is any swelling, pain or discharge at that digit, veterinary care would be needed for sure. Antibiotics, including amoxicillin, can cause a range of side effects for cats. Oral amoxicillin, like many broad-spectrum antibiotics, can alter the normal, beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, which is often a cause of digestive upset if it occurs. It would be much too high a dose and because of how it kills bacteria and works in the body, must be given at least twice a day for several days at least. Make sure to wash your hands before and after giving the medication. you might argue. Can I Give My Cat Amoxicillin? Most liquid medications that are not reconstituted also have a shelf life of 1 to 2 years but once reconstituted (mixed with water such as powered amoxicillin is mixed with water) most expire in about 7 to 14 days depending on the specific product. I always encourage folks to reach out to their own veterinarian if there are specific questions about the rationale for certain testing, treatments, or care. As a bactericidal antibiotic, amoxicillin works to kill bacteria associated with upper respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, and more. A huge animal lover, born and raised around dogs, cats, chickens While it may not directly cause harm, using an expired drug may have some negative effects including: Delay in appropriate treatment Subpar management of the problem at hand Any kind of out of pocket medical care is going to be expensive and helps to have some funds set aside for emergencies. In this article, youll learn what amoxicillin is, the types of infections it may be used for in cats, potential side effects, and some other useful info and frequently asked questions. Amoxicillin is a broad spectrum antibiotic, Neurologic changes, like an inability to walk normally (termed ataxia) have been reported in dogs, as well as elevated heart rate and breathing changes. But this is Answer: Only if Approved by Your Vet Amoxicillin specifically targets certain strains of bacteria and therefore is not prescribed for all kinds of infections. Regular use of probiotics for cats can prevent digestive issues and ease symptoms like vomiting, stomach irritation, constipation, and diarrhea. Epi-pens (epinephrine injections for anaphylaxis), for example. Loves a good book (about animals) and playing the piano. Antibiotics are fairly common in the average household, so it may be the case that you have some Amoxicillin available. Follow the recommendations on the bottle for best results regarding the shelf life. (hopefully). Answer: Only if Approved by Your Vet Amoxicillin specifically targets certain strains of bacteria and therefore is not prescribed for all kinds of infections. When give to a vulnerable kitten, the risk is even higher. padding: 15px 15px 15px 25px; 16429 7th Place West Giving the medicine in the safe amount will not harm your kitty, however amoxicillin can cause the below mentioned side effects in your tom or queen. Animal Skin and Allergy Clinic Staff, Sluggish Pet? If it was previously clear and it is now cloudy even if it has NOT expired Id question the stability of this medication. .medication-table h2{ I dont want my cat to develop urosepsis. Your email address will not be published. Independence America Holdings Corp. All Rights Reserved. But this is not a medication that will last long. While a UTI may be more likely in a female cat, we can also see conditions like bladder stones, and stress-related urinary conditions like idiopathic cystitis, which arent treated with antibiotics. I poured 90% of the capsule out and she swallowed the other 10%. Always discard medications that have obvious changes to color, texture, etc. These are also often treatable with amoxicillin. This helps our pet parents know how to best use the medications we prescribe. Often referred to as a UTI, they can occur in female and male cats. If no date can be found, it is safest to consider a medication expired six months after being dispensed. That is the human form of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid. Click to attach a photo related to your comment, Can You Give Cats Amoxicillin? But this is Once opened, it is best to honor the labeled expiration date. Hi Dominique, thanks for your question. When eliminated, it is processed mainly by the kidneys. Based on Willys last years blood work-up he didnt do a blood work up and administered the anesthesia and successfully cleaned his teeth. She has also been grunting a lot. This medication is costly. Clinical and in vitro efficacy of amoxicilin against bacteria associated with feline skin wounds and abscesses. Fleming discovered penicillin growing as a mold in Fleming's laboratory. It Might Be Time for a Pet Diet Change, Thanksgiving Food for Pets: What to Avoid and What to Share, Not So Fun in the Sun: Dog Skin Issues You May Encounter This Summer, Contribution to problems, such as antibiotic resistance (hint: you should never have leftover antibiotics if using as prescribed), Over-the-counter and prescription medication exposure are a common cause of pet (and people) poisonings, Septic tanks and sewage treatment plants are unequipped to remove all pharmaceutical residues from the water. However, some veterinarians may prescribe every 8-10 hours. If your vet mixes the liquid and says it expires in 7 or 14 days then Id honor that. Liquid and other mixed prescriptions should be discarded after two weeks. Animal Medical Hospital wants you to know why the dates on your pets medications matter. Any potential risks of those decisions should always typically be discussed. Amoxicillin is a broad spectrum antibiotic, The Pros of Antibiotic Injections for Cats. display: flex; The honest answer isprobably most oral pill or capsule medications are good for longer than their expiration dates. border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; Amoxicillin usually comes in both pills and liquid suspension forms. One of the most obvious positive sides to these antibiotics is how fast they enter your cats system. } Make sure to follow your veterinarians prescription to avoid health complications. DONT start using an antibiotic you happen to have left over from the last time. Only stop the antibiotic with your vets prescription to avoid antibiotic resistance. Amoxicillin interacts with some other drugs which may be given to cats. According to them, the anibiotics was for possible infection due to the cleaning and the pain medication was for pain from the cleaning. I would not want to tell you that a medication is still good and it doesnt work to later find out that it didnt work putting your pet at risk. Ironically, a fungal or yeast infection may develop. This could mean that if one of the kitties truly became ill, a medication like Amoxi-Drops or Clavamox may not be as effective as it would otherwise be. Generally, an antibiotic injection is fast acting, which means it might help your pet feel better soon after she receives the shot. Changes in health status, other concurrent conditions, and the addition of new medications or supplements could make an old prescription inappropriate. As odd as it might sound, human amoxicillin can be used for cats. The answer is: No, not without the express consent and direction of your veterinarian. This can be dangerous if there are other factors, such as different medications or supplements being used, that make administration inappropriate. Make sure to follow your veterinarians prescription to avoid health complications. Not active at all. Get it on Chewy Clavamox (Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid). If no date can be found, it is safest to consider a medication expired six months after being dispensed. It can also be used for gastrointestinal infections. Therefore it is a common mistake to search for information on the dose of amoxicillin required for a cat and then administer it to them straightaway, because:. However, if there is no color or odor change and it is a few days beyond that date it is probably okay. The most common form given to cats is the liquid suspension or the tablets, both in specific veterinary preparations. Apart from feeling pretty stupid for not knowing of this basic law (it's an FDA regulation), I had this immediate, visceral reaction to this information: That's just wrong! It also belongs to a group of antibiotics known as aminopenicillins and their effect is bactericidal, killing a large range of bacteria, but not all of them. While discontinuing an antibiotic may relieve the side effects, this will also leave the original bacterial infection untreated. line-height: 1.2; A large and important part of the immune system is located in the gut. One of the most obvious positive sides to these antibiotics is how fast they enter your cats system. Dr. Chris Vanderhoof is a 2013 graduate of the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine (VMCVM) at Virginia Tech, where he also earned a Masters in Public Health. You're free to offer your own below. WebIf you still have a to wait a few days to see the vet I would go to a local pet store and find some probiotics or Bene-Bac to add to what he's eating It'll help provide beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract that may have been lost due to the over use of antibiotics, this is probably causing the loose stool, but a vet would dive deeper into Fresh Breath. For more information, or to ask about an expired veterinary medication, please call us. Self-educated pet care nerd. display: flex; -Now crying in pain as he licks his privates. The Pros of Antibiotic Injections for Cats. So your vet will be careful about the dose they give you for your cat. There are also other formulations, such as Clavamox. Providing some good history and having an exam performed are important starting points. However, there is a risk that antimicrobial resistance will mean antibiotics will be less effective in the future to the point that animals will be much more susceptible to infection. You have half a tube of ointment from that one time Fluffy had an ear infection, a few pills rattling around from when she was so itchy last summer, and almost a full bottle of some type of pain pill from the time she sprained a paw. Are they still good? -Other cats dont have the same symptoms As happens with all of us, veterinarians cant always say what they really think without offending some clients. The same basic effects of the drug work on cats and can be used to treat a wide variety of ailments, which we detail below. Answer: Only if Approved by Your Vet Amoxicillin specifically targets certain strains of bacteria and therefore is not prescribed for all kinds of infections. Amoxicillin antibiotic is not approved by FDA for pet use but still veterinarians around the world often prescribe it for cats due to its tonic health properties. You can use diatomaceous earth food grade only. Contact your veterinarian immediately if your pet develops severe or bloody diarrhea. .medication-table .table-row .item-title{ The reason is that it will lose its potency over time, and it may even cause your symptoms to worsen. For others, though, dates on food and other items are viewed as merely a suggestion. So I take care of an outdoor cat, I always feed him form my food not wet or canned, he is 10 months old, The antibiotics is Amoxicillin/Clavulanate. Administering Amoxicillin prescribed for human use to your cat may do serious harm. Please correct me if I am wrong. If your veterinarian doesn't have it in stock, they may write a prescription. However, if your furry friend is the type that will eat everything in the bowl but the tablet and leave it at the bottom, you may need to consider liquid if you are not adept at administering a pill directly into your cats mouth for her to swallow it. Giving amoxicillin to your kitty around the time of a meal can help to offset these possible effects. Your furry friend might have pain when she urinates, causing discomfort. Severe allergic reactions to amoxicillin are extremely rare but can include rashes, hives, fever, and changes to red and white blood cell counts. Amoxicillin works by binding directly to certain parts of the cell membrane of susceptible bacteria, inhibiting development of the cell wall and making the bacteria unstable, thus killing them. My cat has a swollen paw, maybe from insect bites or fighting. It's not exactly consumer friendly to arbitrarily set higher bars on some products especially when they are so transparently yielding bigger bottom lines for those who lobby in their favor. The recommended dosage is 50 mg (510 mg/lb) once a day. In any case, when no improvement is seen after the first few days of treatment, the veterinarian needs to be informed. It is not worth the risk of a reaction or problem from using expired medications. Hi, I dont know where youre located, but maybe a rescue or a city shelter can help. But then, I've only ever prescribed Epi-pens for three patients. .medication-table .table-row .item{ Injectable medications are generally considered less stable and often have shorter shelf lives than oral pill or capsule medication. They can come as tablets, in liquid form, drops, cream or an injection. They can also be seen on or in the stool. Corticosteroids suppress the immune system (among other things) and if your pet has an infection of any sort, they can make your pets condition worse rather than better. If your kitty is dealing with a very concerning infection, your vet may, for example, recommend starting a probiotic as opposed to discontinuing an antibiotic. WebIt is unusual for a cat to have high blood pressure in isolation from something like chronic kidney disease. Animal Skin and Allergy Clinic does not provide any veterinary medical services or guidance via the Internet. Amoxicillin is a type of broad-spectrum beta-lactam (-lactam) antibiotic, types of antibiotics which contain a common type of organic compound. If there is no signs of improvement (after two full days) take your cat to the vet on day 3. They can easily come in contact with other outdoor or stray cats, putting them at risk of contracting contagious diseases. Turns out that my veterinary hospital employer follows the pharmacy rules. Amoxicillin may be used for infections of the respiratory tract, urinary tract and bladder, some gastrointestinal infections, and infections of the skin and soft tissues. A Last Recourse Prescribed by Veterinarian document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This is why its always important to follow the prescribed directions and to finish out all of an antibiotic even if your kitty is looking much better. Most cats take a 62.5 milligram dosage twice daily for a set amount of days. It tends to be an inexpensive option that is very safe and generally well tolerated. .table-footer a{ He completed a rotating internship with Red Bank Veterinary Hospital in New Jersey and now works as a general practitioner in the Washington D.C. area. Each individual drug has its own unique shelf life determined by the manufacturer. PetPlace may be compensated when you click on or make a purchase using the links in this article. } Like regular amoxicillin, Clavamox also comes in liquid and pill formulations. Amoxicillin is a highly effective antibiotic, but it will not work as well after its expiration date if you have already taken it. However, it can be excreted via milk in small amounts. Always make sure to give an antibiotic prescribed by your vet for the full number of days indicated, even if your kitty looks like hes feeling better. Dr. Vanderhoof lives in the Northern Virginia area with his family, including 3 cats. -Has large urinary output + sometimes has a hard time holding it in (had a few accidents) Directions. Im confused and worried. Ill try to be objective and impartial with my answers, since its always important to realize that any medical situation can vary quite a lot from patient to patient. If your January purge includes decluttering your medicine cabinet, you might find yourself wondering how important those dates stamped on various pharmaceuticals really are. Yep. They will also listen to their chest for signs of pneumonia. All drugs originating from. Therefore it is a common mistake to search for information on the dose of amoxicillin required for a cat and then administer it to them straightaway, because:. It is given at a frequency of two times per day. Which is why I took a look at a local hospital's Rx labels (from a patient who had been transferred that morning). July 3, 2018 } Therefore, probiotics for cats also help support healthier immunity. The concentration is much too high for cats unique livers to process and it could seriously harm your cat. While it may not directly cause harm, using an expired drug may have some negative effects including: Delay in appropriate treatment Subpar management of the problem at hand Studies have shown that amoxicillin is effective against bacteria found in the skin and mouth. [Ultimate Guide], Can Cats Get Norovirus? If not 50mg available, open the 250 mg capsule and divide it into fifths. The pain medication is Onsior. However, overdosing or giving it incorrectly is toxic for the felines. Lynnwood, WA 98037, Email Many respiratory illnesses are caused by viral infections which cannot be treated by amoxicillin, although it may be prescribed to treat secondary bacterial infections. Lack of appetite and refusal to eat. Your veterinarian may help prescribe the antibiotic dose for your kitty after observing physically. Your veterinarian can better decide the safe dose of Amoxicillin for your feline after observing the severity of the illness and your cat physically. If not 50mg available, open the 250 mg capsule and divide it into fifths. With Amoxicillin taking expired ones would just mean they might not work, other antibiotics, like the tetracyclines can actually cause kidney damage if they are old. Amoxicillin administered to humans is very different from the veterinary formulation.This variation arises from the chemical components used in making human-grade amoxicillin that can be toxic to canines.These chemicals include Therefore, probiotics for cats also help support healthier immunity. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Apr 22, 2017 at 17:55 Harry V. 5,989 2 16 35 It was penicillin, which makes this an important medication. Veterinarians try their best to ensure their patients are not in any pain. Liquid amoxicillin needs to be kept in the refrigerator except when you are giving it to your cat. Developed for humans to take, antibiotics are used in most species of animals. .cliverse-medication-title .logo{ Some cats might drool after taking the amoxicillin, especially the liquid amoxicillin. Give your kitty Amoxicillin or any other antibiotic with your vets advice only. Obviously for very small or very large cats this dose needs to be adjusted at a veterinarian's recommendation. Pretty sure my cat has a UTI If a medication is past the expiration date determined by the manufacturer, it is best not to use it. The price for weekend vet visit is crazy. Corticosteroids suppress the immune system (among other things) and if your pet has an infection of any sort, they can make your pets condition worse rather than better. Dosage should be continued for 57 days or 48 hours after all symptoms have subsided. Catheterization, medication and special food are indicated. Question 3: Did last years vet proceed dangerously not recommending a 12 hour fast, or is there a technology they utilized to prevent potential choking from vomiting of Willy? No blood work-up, and going on a previous years blood work-up from the other vet and administering the anesthesia for the dental cleaning? What kind of illnesses can humans contract from cats? Ive noticed for the past few weeks that he has right in the corner of his lip an Infection with pus (only in on side), some days it gets better and not even noticeable and the other days it get worse, It appeared out of no where I dont know from where did he get it (maybe he got into a fight) since he is an outdoor cat and plays alot with other cats in the neighborhood, the problem is When I saw it today it looked bad and very concerning because the infection is getting bigger and the side of the lip and the skin around it looks like its getting eaten up or (erosion) and there is pus + now when he closes his mouth normally you can see part of his tooth (because some of the skin is gone from the infection as I mentioned before) I wish I could show you a picture to make what Ive said clear. Uncommonly, nail trauma can lead to infection of the tissues of the toe. Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribed by veterinarians to treat various infections in dogs and cats. FridaySunday: 7 a.m.6 p.m. Amoxicillin is not poisonous to cats, is very safe at prescribed doses, and side effects are uncommon. For myself and my own family, that is. These are usually bacterial infections within the bladder or kidneys. Side effects of amoxicillin in cats are typically mild and infrequent but when they do occur, most often include digestive upset, like vomiting, diarrhea, and a decrease in appetite. But Im also concerned that treating with an antibiotic alone could be missing something more important thats going on here. Abscesses are swollen regions of infected tissue within a pet or person. Amoxicillin For Cats Overview Liquid amoxicillin needs to be kept in the refrigerator except when you are giving it to your cat. WebIs Amoxicillin Safe for Cats? Avoid breathing litter dust to protect yourself. The expiration date is always one year out unless the manufacturer's expiration date precedes it. Amoxicillin administered to humans is very different from the veterinary formulation.This variation arises from the chemical components used in making human-grade amoxicillin that can be toxic to canines.These chemicals include It can also cause bacterial resistance to develop. Ineffectiveness Using a medication that is not as potent as intended could result in the medication being ineffective. Prescription Required? In these cases you will need to go to the veterinarian to stop the effects or even a veterinary hospital in case of emergency. Or can I do 85 mg 170 mg x probably 7 days (since he is a male)? Regular use of probiotics for cats can prevent digestive issues and ease symptoms like vomiting, stomach irritation, constipation, and diarrhea. Not the easiest thing to do depending on the cat, but it can work well as an antiseptic for broken/torn/quicked nails. Should you keep these things, and for how long? Please rush him to vet or hospital, as uric acid crystals block the urethra (which will kill your cat within a few days). Amoxicillin-clavulanic acid may cause stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea. This is like you getting a sinus infection is often more likely than bronchitis. If not 50mg available, open the 250 mg capsule and divide it into fifths. Overdose of amoxicillin can lead to poisoning which results in liver and kidney failure in cats. Amoxicillin tends to be more effective than penicillin because it lasts longer. All rights reserved.

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