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As soon as you kill Shang Chi, I honestly suggest you turn on auto-combat because that is the only way to win on time. Not only does this attack do a lot of damage, but it also increases the blind durations of Viv-Visions initial attack. Even outside of War, unlike many specialized War teams, the Young Avengers save most of their War synergy so beating them in Cosmic Crucible is not an easy task, on contrary. Though at super high levels with war bonuses and boosts I strongly recommend switching to the Eternals team. It worked better than Infinity Watch for sure. It is mandatory that Agathas ultimate is on level 7. When DD is with Brotherhood, Magnetos initial Blind and Blobs Taunt prevents most teams from controlling Doctor Doom with Ability Block, so the secret is to cleanse that Blind before you are about to place Ability Block and to remove taunt from Blob. Ravagers are an ideal team for countering Brotherhood + DD. Unlimited X-Men is the team that should easily counter Death Seed. Ajei Benally was born into a family of Navajo weavers who passed their abilities and traditions from generation to generation. It is important to keep in mind that the Alliance War only unlocks when you reach Commander level 45. Infinity Watch needs to be a bit stronger to be able to win. After that, everything is easy. The MSF Web Bot's Counter command ~c will give you the strategic advantage in every Alliance War. He can generate barriers and draw enemy attacks. To counter this team, the strategy is simple you need to place Disrupt+Trauma on Absorbing Man or to place Ability Block while removing Taunt in the process. Underworld is a new WAR counter for AW META defense. Many players prefer to combine Kestrel with Secret Avengers due to Sharons passive. Weapon X is considered the best counter for the Young Avengers. Since my goal is to help MSF players as much as I can, Ive decided to do what you asked and divide content as you asked. Each member has unique skills that can be used to defeat enemies. They were specifically built to hard-counter 8W. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. When Captain America is dead, you practically won the battle and in most cases, you can turn on Auto-Combat as well. There are time stamps to avoid any options you arent interested in! There is no stronger team for War and they will easily beat Death Seed, even with considerable Punch Up. It is still early to accurately suggest which teams are justified to be used against Death Seed in WAR. And they could be from the future. X-Factor may not be as effective as previous teams but if they are combined with SS, Zemo or Kestrel they will have no problems against New Warriors. Most importantly it is commonly known that you can afford a big punch-up as long as your Thanos uses his special after enemy Thanos do the same. With every new update, this list will be improved and increased. New Warriors are usually combined with Eternals for offensive purposes since there are only three of them and only 2 Eternals and they synergize perfectly. A Force is a strong team for AW Offense and with Doom added to them, they are more than capable of winning against this opponent. Therefore, Web-Warriors are going to give you more longevity over the course of the game than you might get for a really powerful WAR team. After OR is out of combat, everything is easy. The system prioritizes stage clears, the lowest number of Offensive attempts, turn bonuses, and healthy characters, among other things. Negative can place Ability Block on the desired target (Wong or Morgan Le Fay) before they can lay after which Taskmaster will place mass Blind. If Shang Chi resisted Ability Block, the outcome of the battle will not be so certain. Even improved Nobu is still almost harmless and can easily be replaced by Dormammu. With multiple members being able to bypass/ignore taunt you effectively counter Ms Marvel. Uncanny X-Men with Magik can be a real threat so it is safest to use META teams against them. Thank you for your patience, and if you want to contribute in any way Tweet us @GamingFansDFN anytime. They will play first and easily prevail. Well it's honestly been "if they can take infinity watch then they can take anyone" lately so it's not really just "1 or 2 won't work", I've only tested it against a young avengers minus echo team but xforce beat them without issues, however it was a 30k punch down. A huge punch-up is possible. With Kate giving the team so much energy, though, I'm not sure that will continue to be enough. SG would negate Zemo, and Doom might give them enough damage to make it tricky for 8W. Depending on the enemys strength, the initial Abi Block from Omega Red should be focused on either Valkyrie or Sif depending on your ISO-8 class. It is important to say that they can beat Dormhold even without Dormammu (due to ZIMs ability to prevent Revives) but the punch-up cannot be as high as usual. Underworld is a fantastic team in War Offense, but at the same time, they can be a tricky opponent in Defense too. Omega Red and the company fully negate their assists and as soon as Safeguard and Immunity are off, Infinity Watch has no means to answer them. When you have a character that will harass them and use their buffs against them you can afford a big punch-up. You can afford significant punch-ups without fear of losing. Over the past several weeks, weve gotten reworks for our original beloved web-slingers, Spider-Man and Spider-Man (Miles Morales). Her passive attacks will destroy Web Warriors one by one. The team comprises America Chavez, Echo, Kate Bishop, Ms. Marvel, Spider-Man (Miles), and Squirrel Girl. I had my doubts if I should put Darkhold/Dormhold in the list of justified counters against WX, but since there are only 3 possible options at the moment the decision was obvious even though the RNG will decide the outcome in the end. Masters of Evil are indeed a totally different team in CC and in other features. He deals debilitating blasts to enemies while buffing his Bionic Avenger allies. It's gotta be, right? When Dormammu is dead, you can shift your focus to Squirrel Girl. If you lead Baron Zemo, he will play first and prevent Emma Frost from using her special. With this team, gamers have done punch ups of almost double the normal quantity. If you cant you will still win, but with a little more effort. Having that in mind, it would be a mistake to forget to mention the team who is assembled to be the counter for BO. Unlimited X-Men is another logical solution. After those two things are done dealing with Mercenaries is easy regardless of team composition. In that case, it would be best to Abi Block Archangel. With upcoming changes and New Horseman teams, the list will need an update definitely, so it is best to bookmark it and check when you need help. The tactic to beat Dormhold with WX in Alliance War is kinda tricky you cannot do it in the first attempt due to the fact that you cant prevent Wong from taunting which will be your doom in the end. Below you will see the list of viable counters. Easy kills fill those teams with additional Speed, and Sinister Six is helpless against them. IW also has some always-hitting attacks, and more importantly, they start combat with Safeguard and Immunity. Unlimited X-Men and Eternals will probably make overkill when facing a Mercenary team, but frankly, with them, you dont have to worry about Mercenary strength because you can afford insane punch-ups. I will test Death Seed with other teams (Darkhold, Weapon X, Tangled Web+Undying, War Dogs, etc) in the next few days and I will update COunters accordingly. They have Immunity and Safeguard at the start (will protect them against initial mass Blind and buffs stealing) and their damage potential is high enough to deal with the new Horseman team. Hero Asgardians dont have an answer to Eternals and the possible punch-up is insane Ikaris and Sersi 350k strong can practically eliminate 1 million strong Hero Asgardians all by themself. Generally, you cannot expect the same punch-up as against H4H without Dormammu, but you can afford 100k-200k punch-ups. He is a savage brute that shreds single targets. Gamma is Gamma the best War team in the game. Each week we break down one more aspect of the hottest mobile game, Marvel Strike Force! Taskmaster will create chaos on the enemy team with his ultimate. We send 2-4 emails a month. Baron Zemo will initiate the combat by removing Immunity from enemies before placing Ability Block on either SS or Crystal. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. A smart move is to put your Omega Red in the corner. Although you have to keep Squirrel Girl controlled by Agathas Stun in the first turn while Scarlet Witchs ultimate focus is on Dormammu. For example, Echos strength is in mimicry. The best place on Earth for nerds. As you can see some counters for War and Cosmic Crucible are almost the same, but some are totally different. We at are in the process of revamping our Offensive Counters for Alliance Wars in Marvel Strike Force content. It is sufficient to say that Infinity Watch cannot beat them in War to understand that they are extremely strong and dangerous. Against Dormhold it is best that they are supported by Dormammu. IMPORTANT the content on this page is not yet finished. Mass Blind on start and constant removal of Pym Techs buffs make things really easy for Magneto and the company. It is best to avoid teams with summons when fighting them. As long as you are focusing on Shang Chi and prevent Luke Cage from Taunting you have a real chance to achieve a win. Bionic Avengers is a natural counter for Axmen. Underworld is a justified counter to Emarauders. Trauma and Heal block are everything you need against Young Avengers. If you prevent them from buffing or you use their buffs against them, you are good to go. All Rights Reserved. Brotherhood is a natural counter to Pym Tech. Killing him first is mandatory. Their strength must be significantly higher though because they dont have a way to control GAMMA in War as they control other teams. On a path to find a cure for her grandmother, Ajei discovered an empty spider web and placed her palm against the web. What have people seen work against the the full YA team? Taskmasters and Mr. Negativitys kit together will tear apart Emarauders with an insane punch-up. There are several rules though. To be honest, the majority of players are fully experienced and learned how to counter 8W with 8W while they were Arena META and all of them know that significant punch-up is possible. It will not be a big problem for the Green-Red War squad. Whatever you choose you wont make mistakes. Raids are a mode that you participate in every single day, whereas WAR isnt ongoing. You shouldnt be worried about Psylocke because Trauma will prevent her from transferring debuffs. Weapon X is one of the few specialized WAR teams that have all benefits in both Offense and Defense. Weapon X is one of the best War teams, and their ruling quality is that they have the same bonuses in attack and Defense. Those two teams are specialized in War, but they cant do much outside of it. Enjoying visions of Tamriel while wading through unnecessarily mountainous piles of dice. Darkhold can beat almost anyone in every game mode, so they are a logical choice. Secret Avengers + Kestrel is one of those teams. There are numerous characters to collect and defeat in MSF, one of which is Spider Weaver. However, unlike other META, War Dogs need precise and clinical decisions depending on the situation and power of enemies they are facing (knowing who can be killed on start is the difference between win and lose). Unlimited X-Man should be able to win, but I am not 100% sure. The synergy between Absorbing Man, Kang, and Titania is insanely powerful for all game features. Your main focus should be taking down Dormammu as soon as possible, after which you should prevail on pure strength. Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania: A Fitting Third Ant-Man Tale or MCU Filler? Marvel Strike Force is constantly changing so I cant promise that the list of counters will remain the same for a long time. After that, everything is much easier depending on who accompanies your Eternals. That means that if she attains the Blind condition, she actually only has a 50% miss chance instead of the full 100%. Dr. Doom Basic will never miss, same as Doombots. However, you may be in a tricky situation if Spider-Weaver stuns Viv-Vision on her first turn. Only have debuffs on a few enemies? To beat Infinity Watch with Infinity Watch you must focus on Moondragon first and Phyle-Vell second while trying to place Stun with your Adam Warlock before the enemy does the same. As long as Omega Red doesnt have the highest damage and HP you will have no problems whatsoever. Bonafide Scythe enthusiast (the board game, not the farm implement). Eternal synergy is the best counter for them. Iron Man Zombie and Hela are a powerhouse for War Offense, and they will win easily with anyone on their side. Shatterstars special, Longshots special, and Polariss ultimate should leave BO in the red zone with Defense Down, Bleed, and Disrupt without means of removing those debuffs. The only viable counter for the GAMMA team in AW is a mirror match. Possible Defensive Teams in rooms 1 and 2 (click on the teams name to scroll to team): Darkhold with MLF passive level 6 can easily deal with Dorm/YA. You cannot expect the same available punch-up as with previous teams but their initial burst grants you the possibility to kill Anti-Venom fast after which, everything is just a matter of time. They said it wasn't close either. Weapon X can also easily deal with Deathseed. Darkhold/Dormhold is no exception. I am not a fan of combining Doctor Doom with A-Force in War, but that is definitely a legitimate option. After that with your Skirmishers remove Immunity from Dormammu and use Omega Reds ultimate on him as the primary target. That alone should be enough for A-Force to safely win the matchup. The Punch Up depends on the strength of the enemy Hulkbuster. When I released theDefensive Team Countersarticle, your feedback was positive but many of you asked that we divide Counters for Cosmic Crucible and Alliance War. clave [dot] jones [at] nerdsonearth [dot] com, jasonsansbury [at] gangsta mail [dot] com, abram [dot] towle [at] nerdsonearth [dot] com. Gama is the best War team in general, but at the same time, you will need to have them strongly built up for this matchup. If you can survive their initial burst and use Ultimate with Red Hulk victory is yours. Since the game is based on the classic Marvel series, you will likely encounter similar aspects in the game to those in the movies, comics, and series. The names of the teams for which I will suggest counters will be highlighted in Info Boxes. Does anyone have some practice reps against them yet? Unfortunately, with Axmen you cannot expect wins if punch-up is significant (50k+). At the Top of the page, you have a list of Teams and with a simple click on the teams name, you will be instantly transferred to their list of counters with a brief explanation for each counter. If you have high-level Skirmishers in the team, you will remove Dormammus buffs in the process. Safeguard on start neutralizes Ikaris ultimate and Infinity Watch prevails on a pure consistency of synergy and sustain. Only because their self-sustain is the best in the game, they can hope for victory if their stats are high enough. I was really craving Spider-Man 2099 myself, but Ill keep that on the dream board. Marvel Strike Force: Introducing Echo and the Web-Warriors! No shit! Only this will be an unsolvable problem for most of the teams and we didnt mention any of Masters of Evil insane attacking capabilities yet. Most importantly Dormammu will be crippled by Season 2 Global effects. Nonetheless countering them is easy and it can be done with teams that are not considered as first offensive options at the moment. Ravagers dont have Ability Block, but TChalla can steal Ability Energy from Doctor Doom, prolonging his ultimate long enough for you to deal with the rest of the enemies. All teams that can use Wakandas buffs against them are natural picks. The names of the teams for which I will suggest counters will be highlighted. With the shocking She-Hulk: Attorney at Law reveal of Hulk's son, Skaar, the lineup of the long-awaited MCU Young Avengers may be complete. It is questionable who should be replaced with Emma. Maximized Hullkbuster grants an insane amount of HP to BA, and you cannot eliminate main targets fast enough so you can take control of the battle. No one can do that better than Rogue and her friends. Marauders with Madelyne Pryor and Emma Frost are no longer an unsolvable enigma in MSF. Rebirth seems like an ideal team for War Defense. Moreover, you will benefit from the Kamehameha blast along with unavoidable area-of-effect (AOE) skills from Vision, Hulkbuster, and Deathlok. It also looks like Young Avengers will be relegated to War Defense instead of including War attacks, thanks to the wording of Echos Special Ability. With the introduction of Hero Asgardians, many players tried to find a way to boost them up by replacing Heimdall. You have teams like Shadowlands or Power Armor that are designed for WAR. Possible Defensive Teams in room 3 (click on the teams name to scroll to team): Eternals (Fortifier) + Tangled Web (Striker), Eternals (Fortifier) + Baron Zemo (Fortifier) + Loki + Emma, Eternals (Fortifier) + New Warriors (Striker). She uses her cybernetics to slice at enemies while applying a Bleed effect, Omega Red uses his Mutant Death Aura to apply a Trauma Status to enemies. Doom Raids are a challenge. They will prevent Cloak from controlling the battle and they have enough self-healing to survive New Warriors initial burst. At the Top of the page, you have a list of Teams and with a simple click on the teams name, you will be instantly transferred to their list of counters with a brief explanation for each counter. Right after her, Spider-Woman will place Ability Block and Heal Block on Squirrel Girl and Heal Block on the rest of the team (depending on the position of Squirrel Girl). View Strong and Weak Team Counters with specific Power recommendations. I will do it in the next couple of days but for now, you can see counters and punch-ups. Due to Uxmens self-sustain, you cannot afford a big punch-up, but as long as your Ikaris is capable of flipping their buffs, you are good to go. The most powerful replacement is obviously Dormammu. Some teams have the same counters for both Cosmic Crucible and War and the only way to make it easy for you is to duplicate content for those teams. As an alternative, dont care about war because its roughly 50% chance youll win anyway and then you dont have to worry about it. Unlimited X-Men is another natural counter. Some ravager matchups added, plus Young avengers counters including one you might not expect! It will depend on RNG and whose Stunners will be effective first. Having summons on the battlefield grants Ikariss ultimate to always land twice making it possible that any combination with Eternals can obliterate the Secret Avenger team with a punch-up that can be doubled or even tripled. Galactic War and Mid-Tier Arena, Which Characters First? In Alliance War, Shadowland has all answers needed for this synergy. And, since the Young Avengers team is now broken up, we learned in a recent blog that the Young Avengers are due for a rework of their own. Just like our popular. Well discuss all of that in this weeks Marvel Strike Force article! As I said you cannot expect any punch-up with this setup because if Thanos kills any of your characters at the start or you cant place debuffs on enemies you will fail. However, you cant expect the same punch-up as with BO, but a certain win is a certain win. Even though Bionic Avengers are considerably less powerful outside of Raids, their synergy and their kit can be extremely dangerous in both War and CC. Learn more. Putting teams in a box like that makes theory-crafting fly out the window. They can beat anyone, so Weapon X, same as all other teams, does not have a chance versus them. For more information, please see our Looking through the rest of Echos kit reveals some other strong mechanics.

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