immigrant ships from bremen, germanykhatim sourate youssouf

General Washington 24 November, 1845 Brig Ulysses 14 October So the Hapag and the German Levant Line instituted the direct connection themselves and continued it for three years. 1832-1849 Friedrich Spengemann: The voyages of the ISABELLA, PAULINE, META and UHLAND. Philadelphia 12 July Copernicus 4 August Garonne 21 August The experiences on the ship (and the immigration process into the United States) depended on which class of passengers an emigrant was a part of: first, second, or steerage. Philadelphia 22 August Everhard 30 December Bark Iris 13 June In the three years 1866- 66-67 the Hapag distributed 20, 20 and 16 per cent in dividends, respectively. Transcribed Ships Manifests Departing from Germany Ports of departure include: Altona, Bremen, Bremerhaven, Cuxhaven, Geestemunde, Hamburg, Stettin, Swinemunde (currently Swinoujscie, Poland), German Unspecified Ports Search by Year of Departure [1700s] [1800s] [1810s] [1820s] [1830s] [1840s] [1850s] [1860s] [1870s] [1880s] [1890s] [1900 - 1950s] Except for the discovery of transcripts of Bremen lists for the years 1907-1908 and 1913-1914 at the German State Archives in Koblentz, no copies of the Bremen passenger lists have ever come to light. Constitution 15 November . Diana 3 June 1874 - lists 1832-1872 burned 1834 Bodo Heyne: Passengers of the FERDINAND and the WALLACE. Antilope 13 August Germany, Bremen Passenger Departure Lists - FamilySearch Sir Isaac Newton 30 October There was a Meldepflicht (obligation to register) in force since 1833 (mainly for non-Hamburgers), but it was not mandatory until 1892. Henry 15 October Sophie 12 October Louise 21 May Hualco 21 August Trenton 16 December Washington 29 September Bark Neptune 15 December, 1849 Reform 4 September Howard 6 September Devonshire 18 November Telegraph 25 April Bark Neptune 6 November Philadelphia 21 September SS Trave 17 December Ship Louisiana 21 October All content on these electronic pages may NOT be obtained by unacceptable means Vesper 17 September Bark Constitution 19 October To improve Hamburg's reputation as an emigration port, the Senate passed laws to protect emigrants and guaranteed sufficient food, space, and medical care on the journey. Constitution 15 November Immigration & Steamships - Collections & Research Garonne 21 August Elise 8 September Camera 13 December Caroline 23 July What motive may influence the Hapag in a move of this sort is indicated by the rise and fall of the line from New York to the Levant (through to Constantinople and Odessa), maintained by the Hapag and the German Levant Line in common, 1901-04. Alfred 30 October Johannes 7 June Diana 24 November Elise 8 September : 18 July 2022. Barque Sophie 12 November Elise 8 September The GG Archives is the work and passion of two people, Paul Gjenvick, a professional archivist, and Evelyne Gjenvick, a curator. Albert 19 August Rebecca 9 September Louisa 23 May Galliot Themis 24 July Elise 17 March Johann Friedrich 19 June She was sold to Italy in 1896 and was renamed Seravalle, being scrapped in that year. Minerva 18 September Emma 7 October Clementine 28 July SS Baltimore 10 October Clementine 11 February SS Knig Wilhelm 5 September Foreign trade grew -- Hamburgs hinterland demanded increased grain, meat and other foodstuffs, fertilizers and fodder and the raw materials of industry; it exported more and more potash, sugar and manufactured goods as Germany became established in the markets of the world. Neptune 14 July This was true not only for German nationals, but also millions of inhabitants in Austria, Hungary, and other Central European nations seeking opportunities or refuge in the New World. After WWII some of these lists and a card index were archived at the "Bundesarchiv Koblenz" as Bremen Shiplists. Sir Isaac Newton 19 June World War II [ edit] Brig Neptune 14 October SS Donau 8 January Louise 17 May Bachus 12 September Eutaw 15 September Sju Brder 22 November Washington 25 February 1842 Louise 17 June Pioneer 2 September When the allies occupied Germany at the end of WWII, the Institute was closed and later re-opened as the Institut fr Austlandsbeziehungen. Germany now exports largely to the United States, but her exports are primarily manufactured articles of high specific value and small bulk. Diana 3 June Brig Reform 29 November, 1851 From 1832, Bremen port officials kept meticulous records on their ships' passengers. Telumah 12 November Emigration from the German Ports of Hamburg and Bremen - Gjenvick Try variations of your ancestors name while searching the index or browsing through images. Contact Us. Bark Clara 17 May This card file was created by the Deutsches Ausland-Institut from Bremen passenger ship lists sometime between WWI and WWII. Mercur 24 August Semiramis 18 August Albert 19 August Until well into the nineties the transportation of steerage passengers played the chief role in the New York business of the Hapag and the Lloyd and its profits enabled those companies to build up their fleets. SS Oder 30 September Friedrich Leo 2 August FamilySearch. In the meantime other lines had not been idle. Bark Jupiter 7 September Albert 17 February General Washington 24 November, 1842 Olbers 13 June These saved lists had been stowed away in a salt mine at Bernburg an der Saale in 1942 together with other archives for the purpose of protection, and were transferred into the custody of Moscow Archives at the end of WWII. Brig Constitution 19 October Howard 1 May This page was last edited on 5 December 2022, at 21:20. The Canary Islands will be the first port of the service. Ernst and Gustav 4 November Before this, conditions on the ships were not good; there was inadequate food and overcrowded rooms. Bremen had had a packet sailing line to New York since 1826. Alwina 11 January New Orleans, Louisiana Passenger Lists - How to Find Them - German Roots A P Sharp 12 November Ship Asia 3 November Kepler 17 December Constitution 15 November Copernicus 18 December SS Elbe 9 July Maria Francisca 10 December SS Bremen (1896) - Wikipedia Many Scandinavians also sailed to America through the British port. Mercur 24 August Louise 12 October Westphalia 17 February PDF The Transportation of Immigrants and - Jstor Details for immigrant ship arrivals at the Port of Galveston, Texas between the years 1865 and 1896. Bark Laura 22 April Germany, Bremen Passenger Departure Lists, 1904-1914 Elizabeth Bruce 12 November Bremen, Germany 1832 Ship Palemburg 19 August 1833 Brig Neptune 14 October Brig Ulysses 14 October Ship Virginia 7 November Brig Luna 14 November 1834 Brig Burgermeister Smidt 26 May Galliot Themis 24 July Brig Ivanhoe 31 July 1836 Ship Elise 19 May Ship Phoenix 19 May Bark Theodor Korner 9 June Brig Ulysses 19 September Friederich Jacob 9 December ISTG - Germany Departures - Immigrant Ships SS Oder 28 January B. Bohlen 11 June Maria Francisca 10 December Plato 30 October Johann Friedrich 19 June The New Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild logo was designed by Patty MacFarlane. Johann Friedrich 19 June Edward 28 July Mary Phillips 9 September Their nearest rival was the Cunard Line, which in 1906 landed in New York from its British and its Mediterranean services 107,790 steerage passengers.In 1906-07 the two German lines handled approximately one fourth the total American immigration. In addition to clean housing, medical exams and disinfections were conducted to ensure that only healthy individuals left the port. Gustav 7 May SS Braunschweig 17 November [4] Report of the Commissioner of Immigration in the 1907 Report of the Department of Commerce and Labor. Ellen Brooks 28 October Isabella 5 July Diana 11 November German Departures - 1840s - Immigrant Ships SS Saale - Wikipedia SS Main 8 March Apollo 7 July which include use of any spider, robot, retrieval application or any device SS Aller 01 December Margaretha 1 September 1844 Schooner Leo 25 June Albert 12 August Trenton 16 December Plato 30 October The average number of steerage passengers brought us by the two German companies in the years 1860-1900 was as follows:[2], Average Steerage Passengers from Hamburg Compared to Bremen During Selected Years 1861-1900. Grace Brown 17 July Rebecca 2 January Europa 18 January Alfred 30 October Edwina 30 June Gustav 25 May Bark Weser 26 November, 1867 SS Main 17 August Johannes 18 July Ship Johanne Wilhelmine 5 November Condor 9 August SS Donau 31 March SS Baltimore 14 August, 1870 This was the first transatlantic sailing of a Norddeutscher Lloyd steamer. Goethe 7 July Favorite 18 June Caspar 21 August Brig Bremen 18 July Rebecca 2 January SS Rhein 13 January Ship Mississippi 16 July Antilope 13 August reproduced in whole or part in any format for presentation, distribution or profit by Josephine 8 November Ferdinand 11 June Updates: 13 Janl 2021: Added 287,140 relative contact names. A directory of ship passenger lists & records on the Internet to help find your immigrant ancestors. Study how to use this resource by clicking here: Hamburg Passenger Lists. Bark Laura 25 November In the mid-1800s, most British immigrants to the United States departed from Liverpool, England. Brarens 18 January Eliza Thornton 30 October Bark Industrie 30 November A letter given to the traveler made his passage within and outside of German territories easier, depending on the influence the issuer had. Grace Brown 17 July Mercur 24 August Johannes 7 November Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild. The information contained in this index is for the years 1907-1908 and 1913-1914 only. To attract immigrants, the HAPAG set up shipping companies throughout Germany and neighboring countries to entice immigrants to come through the port of Hamburg. the "e-migration mice"). This can help you identify other generations of your family. Philadelphia 11 May Bashan 3 November Latrobe 2 August Philadelphia 10 October Brig Charles Ferdinand 4 August Elizabeth Bruce 12 November Pauline 7 October Then, in 1874, the authorities (the "Nachweisungsbureau"), citing a lack of space, destroyed all Bremen passenger records except for those of the current year and the two previous years. Trenton 16 December For example, from 1841-1846, 115,000 emigrants left Europe via Bremen; however, only 11,000 emigrants departed via Hamburg. Favorite 12 November Lucilla 3rd Quarter Edwina 30 June Washington 26 October Other European emigrants sailed from Le Havre, France; Bremen and Hamburg, Germany; and Antwerp, in Belgium. Herschel 15 August Henry 15 October Moreover, twice as many passengers departed from Bremen as from Germany's second busiest port for emigration, Hamburg. Ann 1 September Arab 8 September Who Should Emigrate to Canada and USA (1883), Emigration of Women from Great Britain in 1888, In The Paths of Immigration to America - 1902, Emigration from Rotterdam, Netherlands (1903), Considering The Causes of Emigration (1904), Italy's Attitude Toward Her Emigrants - 1905, The Human Side of Immigration - Italian Emigration to America (1906), Emigrants leaving Europe via Rotterdam (1908), Emigration from the German Ports of Hamburg and Bremen (1911), Medical & Mental Inspection of Immigrants. Lucilla 3rd Quarter Sir Isaac Newton 19 June Brig Bremen 18 July Neptune 23 November Agnes 29 December Herschel 15 August Moreover, Hamburg was learning from Bremen how to and attract emigrants. SS Main 6 October, 1878 Arab 8 September Bark Ottillie 5 July, 1866 Philadelphia 11 May This website requires a paid subscription for full access. Elise 1 June Stephani 12 July Bark Freihandel 1 June Isabella 28 August Any description of the development or present status of Hamburg lines must center in the Hamburg-American Line. These records, created by the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, were subsequently transferred to the Bundesarchiv. Ship Emigrant 3 September Astracan 23 December Diamant 17 October SS Berlin 2 May Constitution 23 June Louisa 23 May Josephine 8 November Barque Salem 25 November Sir Isaac Newton 30 October Marianne 20 September Europe 29 May They can list the emigrant's birthplace, residence, assets, and indebtedness. Paoli 9 August Stephani 3 June Mercur 24 August Astracan 23 December Until 1850, Bremen was a more popular port than Hamburg. Ships are so equipped that certain decks may serve as cargo space for the east-bound trip and in Bremen and Hamburg be transformed into steerage quarters for the west-bound. Ship Elise 19 May From 1850 to 1891, 41 percent of German and east European emigrants left via the port of Bremen (Germany), 30 percent via Hamburg (Germany), 16 percent via Le Havre (France), 8 percent via Antwerp (Belgium), and 5 percent via several ports in the Netherlands. Timoleon 22 November History of Emigration from the German Ports of Hamburg and Bremen with a discussion of how the two major steamship companies competed with one another for the immigrant trade. Howard 6 September Friedrich Jacob 16 June 1845 Howard 22 October It accounts, in large measure, for instance, for the concentration in Bremen of the European trade in American cotton and tobacco. Diana 21 November Europa 23 June Stephani 30 December Luise 3 June The Lloyd and the Hamburg- Bremen Africa Line had formed a similar partnership. Olbers 4 April Any description of the development or present status of Hamburg lines must center in the Hamburg-American Line. Herschel 15 August SS Baltimore 21 March anyone without the express written consent of the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC. Bark Coriolan 26 June Hunter in New York 1710-1714, Emigrants from West-German Fuerstenberg Territories (Baden and the Palatinate) to America and Central Europe, List of Pfalz Immigrants to America, 1724-1749, Ships carrying Palatines from Germany to Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808, Pennsylvania German Pioneers Passenger Lists, Palatine German Immigrant Ships to Philadelphia 1727-1808, The Book of Names, Especially Relating to The Early Palatines and the First Settlers in the Mohawk Valley, Coleo da Sociedade Histo-lgica Cruzeiro do Sul, Auswanderung nach Brasilien und Venezuela, 1890-1901, Auswandererkartei von Rulanddeutschen nach Argentinien, 1870-1945, From the steppes to the prairies: the story of the Germans settling in Russia on the Volga and Ukraine, also the Germans settling in the Banat, and the Bohemians in Crimea: their resettlement in the Americas, North and South America and in Canada, Namenskartei von Siedlern in Russland und Rcksiedler nach Deutschland, 1750-1943, Bestandskartei der Rulanddeutschen, 1750-1943, Kartei der Auswanderer aus Elsa und Baden nach Ruland, 1807-1810, Auswandererkartei der Rulanddeutschen nach Brasilien, 1870-1940, Auswandererkartei von Rulanddeutschen nach Kanada, 1870-1940, United States, Obituaries, American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1899-2012, Helpful websites for 19th Century German Emigration. The Norddeutscher Lloyd - Passenger lists and Emigrant ships from anyone without the express written consent of the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC. Ship Elise 8 September Charlotte 1 June SS Berlin 23 August reproduced in whole or part in any format for presentation, distribution or profit by (Nauticus, 1909, page 298.) From now on the Hapag had a clear field. In 1910, emigration had about regained its normal status. Grace Brown 17 July In 1987 and 1990 those lists were given back to the Bremen Chamber of Commerce. Bark Gutenberg 16 May The Hapag was founded in 1847 to prevent a further concentration in Bremen of the American mail service, as well as imports from America of cotton and tobacco and exports thither of German emigrants. SS Nurnberg 12 March Philadelphia 10 October Johannes 7 June Virginia 26 June Bremen 4 December Olbers 8 December Washington 29 September Sju Brder 22 November . Sarah Ann 6 October America 12 July If you find an ancestor on a ship on ISTG and would like to link to your email address or home page, please submit a short paragraph about the passenger, where settled, children, etc., with the name of the ship and date of arrival, and send to the . See Germany Church Records for more information. This database also includes transcriptions of card indexes for Bremen passenger lists from 1907-1908 and 1913-1914 (also see . Emigration via Hamburg dropped to 78,808 in 1908; in Bremen it dropped to 74,626. Devonshire 18 November These sources may be passenger lists, permissions to emigrate, or records of passports issued. SS Neckar 14 April, 1888 Namenskartei aus den Bremer Schiffslisten (Bremen Ship Passengers 1904-1914) Article by John Movius with David Dreyer. Freight could not be profitably transported by steamers until the introduction of the compound engine, which greatly reduced the quantity of fuel to be carried; before this time so much of the carrying capacity of the ship had to be devoted to coal-bunkers that freight had to pay rates which could not compare with those offered by the sailing vessels.[6]. Kammonham Roy 18 August Sir Isaac Newton 30 October Kepler 17 December Friederich Jacob 9 December Friederich Jacob 9 December Bark Atlantic 10 June, 1866 The Lloyd, founded in 1857, never possessed a sailing vessel. Church Records (Annotations). SS Berlin 10 February Elise 6 December arriving on 27 May 1887 with 485 passengers from Germany, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Hungary, Austria, England, Italy, Russia, Switzerland, France, Poland, Belgium and Brazil. Timoleon 22 November Bremen 21 November Anna 17 February Reform 4 September Luise 22 May These have been transcribed and put online here. 1907/1908 and 1913/1914. Philadelphia 4 January Bremen 12 August Rajah 28 October Bark Ella 26 November, 1852 Germany, Bremen Passenger Departure Lists, 1904-1914, Germany, Bremen Name Card Index to Passenger List, Restrictions for Viewing Images in FamilySearch Historical Record Collections,,_Bremen_Passenger_Departure_Lists_-_FamilySearch_Historical_Records&oldid=4946610, FamilySearch Historical Records Published Collections, Bremen (Germany) FamilySearch Historical Records, FamilySearch Historical Records Image Visibility Notice. Brig Bremen 18 July Washington 25 February Dorothea Louise 11 August The following articles will help you research your family in Germany. Philadelphia 10 October Ship Hermine 27 August, 1857 Helpful websites for 19th Century German Emigration. Alfred 30 October Clarissa Perkins 11 July Bremen 14 September 1845 Citing Deutscher Ausland-Institut. Brig Anna Louisa 31 July How wise this reservation was, is apparent when we observe what trend emigration to America had already taken in 1900 and to what enormous proportions emigration from East Europe had grown in the banner year 1906-07. Rajah 28 October Westphalia 17 February At first it ran through the Suez Canal and down the east coast as far as Delagoa Bay. Ship Olbers 3 June Bark Inca 26 December Louise 21 May Luise 3 January Brig Joh Dethard 15 December Pauline 7 October Copernicus 23 June General Veazie 5 November Bremen 9 August Ship Andalusia 22 August Gustav 7 May Paoli 9 August Louise 21 May Includes "Ship Lists of Passengers Leaving France for Louisiana" (1718-1724) originally published in the Louisiana Historical Society Quarterly Website: New Orleans Passenger Arrival Lists 1813 Republic 13 June We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. are not known to have survived for sailing ships from Germany. Stephani 14 October Sophronia 13 September Mary Phillips 9 September Marianne 16 October Rainbow 26 August For some countries, such as Austria, the arrangement is chronological by departure date, with names grouped alphabetically by ship name for that date.

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